Saturday, March 03, 2012

The waters off the Linggi river estuary

Continued from The widest part of the Muar river estuary and horseshoe crabs.

The very same day we went to Kuala Linggi which lies in the state of Melaka facing the borders of Negeri Sembilan.

Kuala is the Malay word for estuary and here we are looking at the waters just outside the Linggi river estuary.

The actual estuary should be the part flanked by the building seen in the picture (a floating restaurant) and the land across.

The waters then opened up rapidly to the north.

Turning to left staring at the Straits of Melaka slightly to the north but mostly to the west one could see the hill at Tanjung Tuan which lies 13 km ahead. Look at the old article The Negeri Sembilan journey continued : On to Tanjung Tuan....

The widest part of the Muar river estuary and horseshoe crabs

This should be a continuation of Views from the mosque of Bukit Treh.

The following day I went to this part of Muar facing the Straits of Melaka.

It is situated at the estuary of the Muar river. About half a year ago I made an article called Muar river at its mouth. Well this part is situated some 250 metres more downstream.

Go 700 metres further southwest and there's a platform which goes through a mangrove swamp.

Here, the Muar river is close to its widest and we are at the southern bank.

Then I saw horseshoe crabs left idle by an angler.

For the record the muddy parts of the Muar river estuary used to be quite famous for its population of this creatures.

But it has been years since I saw some so fresh. One even had a bunch of eggs underneath. Note, the horseshoes crabs are laid on its back so it could not run away. Talk about being laid back huh? :]

Back to this part of the estuary.

The mangrove swamp is a tourist attraction and it was high tide.

See the land across. Directly at the centre should be the northern edge of the estuary.

A look around as I turned slowly anti-clockwise...

Friday, March 02, 2012

Views from the mosque of Bukit Treh

From Bandar Tasik Puteri we move to my native hometown Muar, recently declared as the royal town of Johor.

Near the village where my parents stayed at is the mosque of Bukit Treh. One day I decided to check out its call to prayer tower.

Just can't resist climbing up.

A look down at my car from the first level.

Then I started taking pictures from different angles moving anti-clockwise. Seen here is the hill called Bukit (hill of) Treh.

The dome of the mosque.

Village of Bukit Treh.

Moving up another level.

The car from up there.

And pictures as I turned anti-clockwise.

On to the top level to repeat the process of taking pictures...

No need to state the obvious.

It's just for this one I repeated the same angle but with potrait view.

Just for record this is the 909th article in this blogspot.

The part that should connect Bandar Tasik Puteri to the LATAR Highway

From the downstream parts of river Langat we move to the residential area called Bandar (town of) Tasik Puteri where I'm staying at.

One day I decided to check out a remote part of Bandar Tasik Puteri.

I understand there are plans to connect the residential area to a new highway called the LATAR highway and the closest point is around here.

Having studied satelite pictures using the Google Earth program I know it is close enough. That's why I decided to check taking my bike. Well, there' so far you can get around with a car...

A look behind and you can see Bandar Tasik Puteri.

I went further taking this path.

But I soon realised it might not be so convenient to continue with my big bike.

So I continued by walking.

Ah. I could already see parts of the highway.

Then I took another path, one that forks left from where the bike was parked at climbing to the top of the hill.

Came across this sanitation pond.

There's another one below.

Turning anti-clockwise I could see another pond with Bandar Tasik Puteri in the background.

Next I walked along the first pond which is situated at the top of the hill.

At its end I could see the highway. Refer also the older article A look at the newly-opened LATAR highway.