Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Walking from Tanah Rata mosque

Last article for the day. Continuing from Bharat plantations from a higher point of view.

Upon reaching Tanah Rata I immediately headed for its mosque.

I intend to spend the night here.

 The mosque is located on top a hill overlooking a field next to town.

After washing myself and wearing a set of fresh clothes, I walked to town.

Tanah Rata has a nice colourful side walk that is best enjoyed on foot.

Then I saw a staircase behind the shoplots.

Climbing up I took different views of the town.

Back to the main road. If I remember correctly this view is towards the south with the road leading to the lower town of Ringlet.

Bharat plantations from a higher point of view

Going on to the 1,001th article in this blogspot. Continued from A misty after rain look at the Bharat plantations .

Further up towards Tanah Rata lies another tea house.

Unlike the previous, this one is directly accesible from the main road.

Operated by the same tea company it faces the same plantations albeit from a different and higher angle.

A misty after rain look at the Bharat plantations

The nice weather I have enjoyed since leaving Raub soon gave way to heavy rain. Due to the lack (or rather, non-existence) of shelters along the way I had to push on till I reached a petrol station in Ringlet, the first proper town in Cameron Highlands along the way. After the rain had subsided only did I continue heading for the bigger town of Tanah Rata. On the way lies a tea plantation that is hard to miss.

It is must stop for many.

The tea shop here provides the ideal rest...

From here you get some of the best views in Cameron Highlands.

If not for the fact that I was doing the obligatory Ramadhan fasting I would definitely have a cuppa.

Still it's so serene to just enjoy the misty after rain view. For the record this is the 1,000th article in this blogspot. :]

A look at some development just after entering Cameron Highlands

Soon I entered the district of Cameron Highlands. After passing some logging area I caught sight of a valley.

Vast tracts of the it has been cleared.

It seems plenty of logging has been done making way for some sort of development.

Is it part of the resort development of Cameron Highland? Well, I doubt it as the location seems hard to access for casual visitors. For the record this is the 999th article in this blogspot.

The views from a fully elevated part of the Sungai Koyan-Cameron Highlands road

Some 25 minutes later I saw another point of the road which merits a good stop.

By then I was also much further up the sea  level as wide vistas of hills and mountains widen up.

What is interesting about this portion of the road is it is totally elevated.

A look down.

While the road elsewhere follows the contours of the land this portion sits on a number of concrete stilts to optimise travel.

Notice the stilts underneath?

A look behind shows this portion is practically a curved bridge.

Jelai river from further up Pos Betau

Continuing from Jelai river near Pos Betau.

Going up further towards Cameron Highlands I could soon see parts of the Jelai river from a distance above...

Zooming in with my camera which has 12.5 x optical zoom I could also see the settlement which should be Post Betau.

That's the river closest to the settlement.

Zooming out, you could see the river in relation to the settlement furthest right.

Turning further anti-clockwise I could surmise the bridge shown in Jelai river near Pos Betau  is somewhere below behind the greens.

Turning more anti-clockwise. That's part of the road I have just passed.

Jelai river near Pos Betau

Continued from Lipis river at Batu Malim.

From Batu Malim I continued up north to a place called Kuala Medang where lies a rather long bridge crossing the river Jelai. Look at the old article Foray to idyllic Kuala Medang in Pahang.... Then I  turned back about 10 km to Sungai Koyan where lies the latest road going up to the resort area of Cameron Highlands, up the main mountain range of Banjaran Titiwangsa. Taking the road for the first ever in my life, I soon arrived near the Orang Asli (aborigine people) settlement of Pos Betau and stopped at this bridge.

I found out the bridge crosses the river Jelai which forms the river Pahang. This should be a look upriver.

As usual I would take in views from both upriver and downriver directions.

This should be the view downriver. My calculation using the satellite pictures in Google Earth showed the river twisting and turning for about 25 km before it is joined by other tributaries near Kuala Medang.