Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bringing some friends to the Brunei mosque - My 7th visit here?

Continued from The beach of Kandis, Bachok.

And so the event in Kandis, an event called HIKMAH IV was held successfully on Saturday 16th March 2013. The following day me and wife decided to show some friends the beautiful building called the Brunei mosque in the district of Pasir Mas.

It is situated besides the also picturesque lake called Danau Tok Uban.

I'm not sure how many times I've been here. Let me just put some links of previous articles made on it...

OK.  Now I remember arriving once at night here sometime end of 2008. Unlike the other trips which was made during the day, that one was mentioned in passing in my Malaymblogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU. Look at the article Projek buku masjid - Lagi, Danau Tok Uban dan Masjid Brunei Darussalam.

So it looks like I have been here 6 times before.

If so, this my 7th time here, bringing along a number of 1st timers...

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