Thursday, April 25, 2013

Going to Medina

Peace be upon you all. The article Views from the KLIA viewing area shows me and wife idling our time as we waited for our plane to take us to Saudi Arabia. What happened was the flight was delayed for more than 24 hours. It was only around 8 pm on Tuesday 2nd April 2013 that we get to board the plane. And it took more than another hour to take off.

Anyway we were relieved that we got on the plane. About 9 hours later we arrived at the airport in Jeddah and then took a bus to the holy city of Medina some 400 km away. By then it was already Wednesday 3rd April both here and in Malaysia. For the record the clock in Jeddah is 5 hours behind.

We started the journey at around 3.30 am. This picture was taken about 3 hours later.

By then my digital camera had ran out of power. So I had to rely on my handphone camera to record what's next.

This is the mosque at a stop where we had breakfast.

There might not be much to see along the way but hey, we were very excited...

Soon we have to pass through this gate. I believe it marks the outward boundary of Medina.

The city of Medina is still a distance away.

This is the mosque of Bir Ali, an important place as those doing their pilgrimage to the holy city of Mekah and the building called Ka'abah (focal points for Muslims praying worldwide) from the direction of Medina must set their niat (intention) here.

I think the city is some 8 km from Bir Ali.

Entering the city of Medina...

This is where we're stopping.

There's an Indonesian cuisine restaurant...

Next to it lies our hotel.

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