Monday, July 01, 2013

On to Makassar city

OK. In terms of official border, the University of Hassanuddin lies 1-2 km outside the city of Makassar.

But urbanised sections extend well outside the border.

It is only when one has passed certain monuments such as this then one is officially in the city...

As we went on towards the city centre another university came into view.

This is its hospital.

I could see a number of mosque including this.

A prominent landmark of Makassar, one of its tall buildings.

Entering the city centre. In general I noticed the buildings are around 5-6 stories tall. 

But the city is sprawling covering quite a large area. I was told Makassar is the biggest city in Indonesia east of Surabaya. For the record this is the 1,155th article in this blogspot.

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