Saturday, September 28, 2013

First KL city centre walk in 5 months...

Something from today...

After spending some time at the National Library, me and family decided to go to Dataran Merdeka, the independence square...

We thought we could see a group of Malay culture activists friends do their stuff at the underground shopping complex under the square. For the record they have been doing silat (Malay martial arts) while wearing olden traditional Malay aristocratic clothing on Saturdays since like 4-5 months ago.

Too bad they were not around. I have been wanting to see them perform here for some time but did not have the time nor the means to come earlier.

You see I had a serious leg injury end of April and still recuperating from it. All the while I had to be chauffeured by the wife, otherwise I could have rode my trusty big bike anytime to get here.

Since we were already at the square why not visit the KL Museum besides...

The kids posing outside...

Inside the museum...

Our elder kid particularly enjoyed a model of the city.

Next, we walked to the Central Market. This is quite an achievement considering I am still on a crutch. While my leg's actual injury has healed it still take some time to fully recuperate and walk properly as my leg muscles has been out of action for quite a long period.

The last time I went here I think was over half a year ago. Otherwise it is normal for me to take periodical walks for miles covering a number of areas at the KL city centre.

It happened that there was a Kelantan cultural show at the CM's front.

Then the public was invited to partake and I took the call.

The kids and mum...

Quenching thirst with coconut water. For the record this is the 1,166th article in this blogspot.

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