Thursday, November 14, 2013

The broken stretch at Semenyih Dam

Tuesday, 12th Nov. After spending the night at a family house in Kajang I decided to ride down Semenyih before heading for Hulu Langat. That's when a found there's a stretch of road which have been closed for some time because of a major landslide.

The stretch lies along a lake created by the Semenyih Dam. Motorists would have to turn back and take another route to get ahead which is equivalent to more than 50 km travel!

However those on bikes can take their chance.

I saw about 2-3 bikes which managed to pass through but all of it were small bikes. It is much riskier negotiating the slippery paths on big bikes such as mine so I decided to walk first and survey.

So far so good. The stretch though slippery looked manageable as I have experienced much tougher terrain on my bike.

It's just that I've just recovered from a broken right leg. I could not afford to make mistakes.

Thank God I've survived the ordeal, the toughest being a climb at 30-40 degree upwards up a rather slippery read earth part. Here's looking back at the broken stretch...

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