Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Views from Menara Rebung's 44th floor

Last Friday I sent the wife to Menara Rebung, the headquarters of TM or Telekom Malaysia. Standing at 310 metres it is the 2nd tallest building in Malaysia, after the 462 metre-hight Petrones Twin Towers at KLCC and not counting the 421 high Menara KL at Bukit Nenas which is a telecommunications tower. I have been up to the highest floor of the Petronas Towers, the 88th floor. But the highest I've been up to at Menara Rebung which is officially known as Menara Telekom was the 20th floor or so. It has 55 floors while my wife was going to a function at 44th floor. So of course I was excited when she asked me to accompany herself up.

So there we were on the 44th floor. The foyer has large panels of glass. Guess what I did first?

Of course I immediately aimed for the views.

Down there is the mosque of Universiti Malaya (UM) and its campus.

Entering a room where the function was to be held I also immediately headed for the glasses.

The function was yet to start. So I took in the views to my satisfaction...

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