Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hill climb at Sungai Buaya (part I)

Peace be upon you all. Feels like getting this off my system...

The broken leg I've suffered since late April last year has limited my moves for quite a long time. It was only 4 months ago or so I can walk again, even then supported by a walking stick. Since then I've entertained the idea of climbing some hills but held back for fear of aggravating the leg. Then I saw this hill close to my new house at Sungai Buaya, Rawang.

These pictures are dated January 6th 2014. I have yet to move to the said new house which was being renovated and repaired. After having a meal at a nearby restaurant, the hil caught my eyes so much that I must attempt a climb. Fighting all doubt regarding the still not 100 per cent full recovered state of the broken leg, I decided to have a go.

I can't run and jump yet. In fact I can't fold my toes without feeling pain. Still I walked slowly but surely up...

That's when I found out there were higher places to reach, places hidden from sight if looked from lower points.

Finally what should be the highest peak of this hill came to sight.

I just have to climb all the way to the top and savour the views, as usual going anti-clockwise...

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