Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hill climb at Sungai Buaya (part III)

Less then a week ago I went for an afternoon ride when suddenly I felt like going to the foot of this hill.

It was the hill I wanted to climb most at Sungai Buaya. But it looked like the most difficult and that is why I waited for some time before succumbing to the urge. Oh, my 4 plus year-old boy Rasyid was with me.

So there we where making the climb. I had to move slowly and carefully due to the condition of my leg. Hyper-active Rasyid practically ran up and I had to stop him many times for fear or slipping down the slope which could easily crumble.

The hill also looked the most prominent at Sungai Buaya. A look down towards the water reservoir where I had climbed up 3 weeks earlier but didn't mention in previous articles.

On to the summit. Rasyid was still full of energy.

Well, that used to be me able to run up hills like this without fear of slipping, confident of my ability to balance through any obstacle or pick up fast from any slip or fall.

A look from the summit.

Actually the top-most part is bushy. So I was standing from an open part nearby.

I decided to find another vantage point.

From there I went through the usual anti-clockwise many-angled views routine...

To the right you can see the hill I first climbed up at Sungai Buaya. Look at Hill climb at Sungai Buaya (part I).

Note the bushy summit from the said vantage point. It is just slightly lower but provide what looks like a more open vista.

Then we went down retracing back the route taken up.

It's while going down that I took a good look at the lower hill climbed closest to my new house. Look at Hill climb at Sungai Buaya (part II).For the record this is the 1,212th article in this blogspot.

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