Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Views from the roof of Rahmatullah mosque

Another famous monument from the Tsunami of 26th December 2004 is the Rahmatullah mosque at Lampuuk, about 15 km south-west of Banda Aceh.

Situated at 600 metres or so from the beach facing the Indian Ocean it was the only man-made structure left standing when the big waves struck.

A part of the mosque is left damaged as a testimony to the event.

Our driver, Agam then showed a staircase behind.

So we climbed up to check out the views.

I bet the views are best from up this tower.

But after climbing up a few stairs I found it too rusty to continue supporting my weight.

I guess it was enough to just climb up the roof and check out the views from there...

The time was close to sunset. The Indian Ocean is just behind the last line of trees...

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