Friday, June 27, 2014

On to Kuala Tahan

Peace be upon you on this blessed Friday. Today I want to share a few more stories on a trip made last weekend. Continuing from Pahang river near Pulau Tawar old mosque.

From Pulau Tawar we headed to the town of Jerantut before entering the road to Kuala Tahan.

It is a rural place leading to Taman Negara, the National Park.

The road swerves through jungle and palm oil estates.

It also passed through I small town but I forgot to take pictures.

After an hour's drive we arrived at this gate.

I think it marks the sub-district border or something as there was still some distance to cover.

Soon we arrived at Kuala Tahan or rather Kampung (village of) Kuala Tahan.

Next we could see the Tembeling river. Across is Taman Negara.

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