Friday, October 10, 2014

Fascination without explanation and Jonah's fish

While others sticked closely to the group I tend to be left behind fascinated by even signboards like this.

The reliefs here are quite amazing.

While the group were paying attention to KH Fahmi and his assistant's explanations, I tried to fathom other reliefs...

At this juncture we should be at the western face.

These reliefs might be amazing works of art but is it really impossible to be human-made as claimed by Fahmi?

I  think there's a lapse of 2-3 minute before I caught up with the group again.

Fahmi explaining his understanding of this relief.

He said this one depicts the story of Prophet Jonah or Nabi Yunus. For the record Jonah is known as the prophet who got thrown off a ship and swallowed by a giant fish.

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