Friday, October 10, 2014

The 1-3-1-1 formation of Borobodur

About 2 hours later we finally arrived at Candi (temple of) Borobudur.

I have been once here before with the wife and kids mid 2012. Then we went on straight to the highest level before exploring it floor by floor downwards. Look at these old articles :-

The huge building can be described as a pyramid of 12 levels. The first 2 from the ground looks  empty, just a foundation of block of stones. We went on to the 3rd level which is actual the 1st of 5 levels with depiction of creatures. So let's call this the 1st level of creatures...

After a brief rest twe were asked to have a closer look at the depictions, or reliefs...

What is interesting is the reliefs seemed to show people from a wide variety or races.

What is more interesting is there is a 1-3-1-1 or formation. From the start of this level one can see a relief of a person followed by relief of three persons, then relief of one and another of one. This pattern seems to repeat as far as I can see.

We were told that this goes for the whole level.

The only exception is at a corner where there is a relief of two...

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