Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Rasyid's little graduation

Sharing something from almost a week ago.

Last Thurday, 13th November me and family went to the kindergarten at our housing estate.

There was a memorable function in action.

The kids were about to graduate and here they were getting ready...

Our 5-year-old boy Rasyid in graduation garb.

He and some kids actually studied at a different kindergarten 2-3 km away. But it operates under the same agency as this one and the graduation is for every kid under that same agency within the locality.

Lining up for the function to began.

At the age of 2 years plus our youngest boy Johan (standing in the middle) might be too small to attend kindergarten. But he was very excited at the going-ons. So the teachers let him wear a garb.

Time to begin. The VIPs were received with a kompang performance.

Johan and his cheeky smile... :]

Everyone standing for Negaraku, the national anthem.

Soon enough it's time for the actual graduation.

The local member of the State Assembly handed out the scrolls.

Rasyid's turn...

It might be just a little kindergarden graduation. Still, being a father my heart swelled with pride upon seeing the name of my son on his scroll...

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