Monday, November 24, 2014

Revisiting the island's sacred places

The others took a van to reach the main meeting point of Pulau Besar. I decided to walk.

There are places I wanted to stop at along the beach. I don't know why this picture turned sideways after uploading. I don't want to split hairs making it right, so let it be.

This island is known for many sacred places, among it are venerated tombs of people believed to have achieved high mystical stations.

Among them is Tok Janggut, said to be a master silat (Malay art of self defence) exponent from Aceh.

His are among the many long tombs here. The tombs are long to signify his spiritual status.

Tomb of Tok Putih said to be a religious master.

Then there's a small hill which somehow evokes memories of a far away land...

Approaching the main meeting point.

There. This is where everyone converges in Pulau Besar.

My family and friends were already here. In fact the group of 8 which left after breakfast in Muar also joined us here. Look at Breakfast at Muar riverside.

Here lies another sacred tomb.

But the main one lies slightly further inside.

Welcome to the tomb of Sheikh Ismail. Said to have lived more than 500 years ago he believed to be a king of the gnostics, the mystics who truly know God.

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