Monday, December 01, 2014

Detour to Tanjung Tohor

Soon it's time to continue the main purpose of going out that day. To get to the district of Batu Pahat and take pictures of the Batu Pahat river from a number of places. But as usual I can't stop myself from making stops along the way. Then there's this detour I took from the main road...

I saw a signboard pointing to a place called Tanjung Tohor and became curious. After 4 km or so of tarred road I reached a rough part.

These parts lasted for about 2 km before I have to made a turn...

Then it's another 200-300 metres before you can see the open waters of the Straits of Melaka.

So which part is Tanjung Tohor? A local told me the actual spot is  a cape not easily accessible as one have to wade through a mangrove swamp. Still the whole length of the waterline is known as Tanjung Tohor. One could get to a part with decent views by heading westwards or so. So I took this direction.

It is another 1-2 km or so before I reached a closed gate.

There was also a curious family who came here at about the same time as me. I thought that is enough,  I won't go further than this.

Time to turn back and continue the journey to Batu Pahat...

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