Saturday, December 20, 2014

Up the Telekom Tower at Bukit Nenas after 15 years or so

Today me and family went to the Telekom Tower at Bukit Nenas.

If I remember correctly we last went here last year.

But then we only went around the base.

This time we went up to the observation tower, some 270 metres up from the base.

As usual I started taking pictures for many different angles going anti-clockwise from the entrance.

If I remember correctly the last time I was up here was 15 years or so ago, maybe more.

What I do remember I have been up here quite a number of times when I was still a journalist with the English national daily, The New Straits Times 1996-2001.

I've attended a function or two at the rotating restaurant above this level and was once given 10-20 free passes or so.

Then again the admission ticket was only RM8 those days. Now it is RM29 for an adult.

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