Friday, April 25, 2014

The alternative road to Banda Aceh

Somewhere between Samalanga and Sigli we made a stop to get some goodies. When the car ferrying me and family were ready to move the others were still checking out goodies and such. Thus we decided to go on ahead.

After reaching Sigli we decided to take on an alternative route while the rest  which were a number of kilometres behind wanted to stick to the usual one to Banda Aceh. The way forked a few kilometres after Sigli. We took a right junction out of the main road.

The alternative road passed through many rice fields.

There were also many small villages.

Soon we can see the sea... or rather, the waters of the Straits of Melaka.

There is quite a long portion which is gravel road.

We sped on trying to chase the sunset. The driver told us there is a vantage point where local youths like to converge for a superb view.

Along the way we could catch good views of the extinct volcano called Gunung (mount) Seulawah.

But the sun seemed to move faster than us.

Soon it has set. We have to be contented with this view instead, boats with lights out in the open.

On to the tomb of Tun Sri Lanang

From Geudong we went to Samalanga where lies this old house.

Next to it lies the tomb of a person who used to stay in it.

Welcome to the tomb of Tun Seri Lanang, the Bendahara, something like royal prime minister of the Johor-Riau Empire.

Living in the early 17th century he was then brought to Aceh where he was given position as ruler of the sub-kingdom of Samalanga by the Sultan (ruler) of Aceh.

On to the house.

It has been turned into some sort of museum. Look at the article Pameran di rumah Tun Sri Lanang (Exhibition at the house of Tun Sri Lanang) in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART).

We next went to a nearby mosque said to have been founded by Tun Sri Lanang. Like the house it has also received a facelift. I noticed it is much more beautiful compared to the first time I was here in 2010. Look at Rupa baru (New look of) Masjid Kota Blang, Samalanga.

HIKMAH group visit to the tomb of Sultanah Nahrisyah

Peace be upon you on this blessed day, Friday. On to the 6th day of the Aceh trip 23-30 Mac.

Friday 26th March 2014. A special phase of the trip has started.

We were in Geudong, site of the centre of the olden kingdom of Samudera-Pasai and 16 Malaysians, friends and family members joined us there.

One arrived via Medan while 15 arrived at Banda Aceh on Thursday afternoon. They headed for Lhokseumawe to spend the night. In the morning they joined me and family visiting the tomb of Sultan Malikus Saleh, founder of the kingdom of Samudera-Pasai. Look at the article Ziarah rombongan Malaysia ke makam Sultan Malikus Saleh in the blogspot Himpunan Kedaulatan Melayu Islam Akhir Zaman (HIKMAH).

From the tomb of Malikus Saleh we went to the tomb of Sultanah Nahrisyah, a descendant of his who ruled the kingdom of Pasai in the 1400s.

This is her tomb.

Besides it is her father's if I'm not mistaken.

But we were told Sultanah Nahrisyah's actual tomb is this one.

The grand marble tomb besides is actually a later addition brought as present from the Delhi Sultanate in India.

A local researcher explaining history of Sultanah Nahrisyah and kingdom of Pasai.

For the record the group came to Aceh to join an event conducted under the name of HIKMAH, an NGO founded by yours truly just a year and a half ago.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bringing Johan, mum and dad to the tomb of Maulana Abdul Aziz

On to the 5th day of the Aceh trip 23-30 Mac.

Thursday 26th March 2014. We left Takengon back to Bireuen before continuing the journey eastward to Lhoksuemawe and Geudong. Then its practically southward to Idi. The target was a rural inland area in Perlak. 

We arrived at dusk. There is a tomb complex I feel must bring the family to.

Here lies the tomb of Sultan Sayid Maulana Abdul Aziz Syah. He is said to be founder of the first Islamic kingdom in South East Asia.

The kingdom called Perlak was a sovereign nation from 840 AD till more than 400 years later.

The tomb of Maulana Abdul Aziz.

My elder son Rasyid has been here twice before. It is Johan's first visit. My mum and dad just looked on...