Friday, April 25, 2014

The alternative road to Banda Aceh

Somewhere between Samalanga and Sigli we made a stop to get some goodies. When the car ferrying me and family were ready to move the others were still checking out goodies and such. Thus we decided to go on ahead.

After reaching Sigli we decided to take on an alternative route while the rest  which were a number of kilometres behind wanted to stick to the usual one to Banda Aceh. The way forked a few kilometres after Sigli. We took a right junction out of the main road.

The alternative road passed through many rice fields.

There were also many small villages.

Soon we can see the sea... or rather, the waters of the Straits of Melaka.

There is quite a long portion which is gravel road.

We sped on trying to chase the sunset. The driver told us there is a vantage point where local youths like to converge for a superb view.

Along the way we could catch good views of the extinct volcano called Gunung (mount) Seulawah.

But the sun seemed to move faster than us.

Soon it has set. We have to be contented with this view instead, boats with lights out in the open.


  1. alternative route from where?

    looks beautiful.

  2. The junction is from Sigli go ahead to Banda Aceh until reach a junction named Simpang Beutung. Then go along this road and will reach Banda Aceh after 2 hours journey
