Thursday, May 01, 2014

Morning walk to Peunayong

OK. For this blogspot I didn't make any article on the 7th day of the Aceh trip 23-30 Mac. That is because most of the day was spent attending a function called HIKMAH Aceh. The place to elaborate this is at a blogspot called Himpunan Kedaulatan Melayu Islam Akhir Zaman (HIKMAH). Still you can see what happened through these articles :-

Now let's move on to the next day of the trip, the 8th and also last day...

Early Sunday morning, 30th March 2014. After doing my Subuh prayers at the mosque of Baiturrahman I felt like taking a walk.

It was probably the longest single walk I've did during this trip to Aceh. I soon passed a supermarket where the employees were doing an exercise routine before opening up shop (I presume)...

Then I noticed an giant advertisement on Legoland in Malaysia. It is accompanied by the Visit Malaysia 2014 logo.

The walk took me past Gampong Keddah which in Malay is equivalent to Kampung (village of) Kedah. I understand it started as a settlement for people from olden Kedah im Malaysia.

Next is a bridge crossing the Aceh river. See the tower in the background? That's the one shown in the 1st picture, the tower in front of Baiturrahman.

On the opposite side heading towards the see you can see another mosque.

This is at the market area of Peunayong.

I've passed the mosque a number of times. This time I decided to have a look inside.

Another part of Peunayong.

The Aceh river in front of my hotel abput 500 metres from Peunayong. But I took a long walk through other places. A check using Google Map shows the morning walk covered at least 2.5 km.

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