Monday, November 24, 2014

Private tour for a friend from Aceh

OK. Me and wife actually planned to spend the night at the local surau or praying hall. But a friend who rented a chalet ask us to rest there. It happened that our boys went soundly asleep after having a field day playing with mud, puddles, sand and seawater. So we took up the offer while the friend rented another chalet to stay with his group. Here is a view from outside the chalet.

Me, family and his group along with a friend from Aceh were the only ones who spent the night. The rest of our party have left before dusk the previous day. After a good night's sleep its time for us to also leave the island and return to our normal lives...

As we waited for a van to take us to the jetty we took some last minute pictures.

The friend from Aceh (left) with the friend who paid for the chalets. He came late to Pagoh and missed the HIKMAH function. Still we'd like to make his trip worthwhile.

We were so glad he could make it as originally there were a number of people from Aceh who were supposed to come to Pagoh. They they could not make it because of some hitches.

In the van and on to the boat.

My plan was after the HIKMAH function I'd like to bring all the Aceh people to the island of Pulau Besar followed by a number of historical places in Melaka. Since only one could make it, it became a private tour of sorts.

At Bukit (hill of) Senjuang close to Melaka city centre.

The friend was excited upon finding out that the hill was once occupied by Acehnese forces in their bid to wrest Kota (city of) Melaka from the control of Portugese colonials.

Then there's the tomb of Sheikh Shamsuddin Sumatrani, a 17th century saint from Aceh of much significance.

He was the main religious authority during the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda Mahkota Alam (ruled Aceh 1607-1636). But he died here during a major Aceh raid against Portugese-occupied Melaka 1628-1629 or so.

Next we brought the friend to Masjid Kampung Hulu, an old mosque dating back at the latest 1641, when Melaka was under a more relaxed Dutch rule.

Here we parted ways as he waited for an acquaintance before going to Singapore on another business.

Revisiting the island's sacred places

The others took a van to reach the main meeting point of Pulau Besar. I decided to walk.

There are places I wanted to stop at along the beach. I don't know why this picture turned sideways after uploading. I don't want to split hairs making it right, so let it be.

This island is known for many sacred places, among it are venerated tombs of people believed to have achieved high mystical stations.

Among them is Tok Janggut, said to be a master silat (Malay art of self defence) exponent from Aceh.

His are among the many long tombs here. The tombs are long to signify his spiritual status.

Tomb of Tok Putih said to be a religious master.

Then there's a small hill which somehow evokes memories of a far away land...

Approaching the main meeting point.

There. This is where everyone converges in Pulau Besar.

My family and friends were already here. In fact the group of 8 which left after breakfast in Muar also joined us here. Look at Breakfast at Muar riverside.

Here lies another sacred tomb.

But the main one lies slightly further inside.

Welcome to the tomb of Sheikh Ismail. Said to have lived more than 500 years ago he believed to be a king of the gnostics, the mystics who truly know God.

Going to Pulau Besar after almost 2 years

Next we went to the jetty of Anjung Batu in Melaka.

We wanted to take a ferry to the island called Pulau Besar.

The last time we were there was early 2013.

Some of our friends have never been there. By the way 2 groups followed, another went off a different path.

Along the way we could see what seems to be newly-completed pylons from the mainland to the island.

But I could not catch sight of any electric cables. Perhaps it would be in place in 2-3 months time.

The island has been depending on generators for power. It's time it got proper supply from the mainland.

Arrival. As always this island never fail to make me feel exited...