Thursday, February 26, 2015

Erecting fallen Aceh tombstones to preserve history

Peace be upon you all. On to the 3rd day of the 13-19th February Aceh trip.

Sunday 15th February 2015. It was time for the the Malaysian group I came with to return home. Me on the other hand wanted to stay till 19th. After sending them to the airport I rest an hour or two at the hotel. Then it's time to start activity. This time I was brought by an Acehnese friend to a rural area a small distance south or south-west of the city of Banda Aceh.

I was brought to a plot of land where could be found a number of Aceh tombstones somehow partly buried in the ground.

There I watched a local group of activists called MAPESA, short for Masyarakat Peduli Sejarah Aceh (something like Citizens Concerned About Aceh History) dug out some fallen tombstones to reerect it to what should be its former glory.

For the record the beautifully carved Aceh tombstones marked the graves of important people - past rulers, religious masters, generals and such. Reerecting the stones means the graves are properly marked again. This is an effort to preserve history so that it would not be forgotten by the present and later generations.

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