Sunday, February 22, 2015

Jumaat prayers at Baitur Rahman early 2015

Peace be upon you all. Three days ago I completed a 7 day trip in Aceh 13-19 February. It was my 7th trip to that region. Time to share stories and pictures.

I arrived in the city of Banda Aceh Friday morning 13th February 2015 with a group of young researchers eager to learn about the history of Aceh. At noon, the men proceeded to the mosque of Baitur Rahman for Friday prayers.

I have been to this mosque many times. But for Friday prayers this could be my 3rd or 4th.

Among the group only one other man have been to Aceh before. I'm not sure if he's done his Friday prayers here.

Anyway it is a good start to the trip. And as far as I could remember this is the first time I arrived in Aceh on Friday.

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