Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Flight to Pontianak

Peace be upon you all. Pleased to inform everyone that I am currently on a trip visiting places in the Indonesian province of Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan). I've just completed the 2nd day of trip and is currently resting in a hotel at the town of Sambas, about 2 hours drive to the west of the Malaysian border at the state of Sarawak. Since this is the first time I have access to Wi-Fi since starting the trip Monday afternoon I'd like to start sharing stories. Here's the first one...

Monday 8th June 2015. Me and a friend boarded the 11.50 am flight to Pontianak.

It was the first time we were headed for this part of the island of Borneo. I started taking pictures from out of the plane's window when I noticed what seems to be Tanjung Piai in Pontian, Johor, the sourthernmost tip of mainland Asia.

Then thick cloud began to obscure view.

By the time the sky is clear enough all I could see was open sea...

A few minutes later I caught sight of land. It seems we were closing in on the city of Pontianak which I learned later is located 6 hours drive south of Sambas.

I understand the body of water in view is part of the Kapuas river, the longest river in Indonesia.

While the Kapuas river could be seen clearly from the plane I'm not sure if the water seen in this picture is the river. For around here lies another river called Sungai (river of) Landak which flows into the Kapuas within bounds of the city of Pontianak.

Ready for landing...

We have arrived safely. Time to explore what Pontinak and its vicinity has to offer...

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