Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Passing through Singkawang

Continuing from Kalbar's drive-in zoo.

Soon we reached the town of Singkawang.

I was told that here lies the highest population of Chinese ethnics in the whole of Indonesia.

Some people call it the Hong Kong of Indonesia.

However I can't see much tall buildings around. So I can't really feel the "Hong Kong", literarily that is...

As for the Chinese population, I can see that they are definitely the majority in town. But coming from Malaysia I find this rather normal.

Can't say this in Indonesia though where the Chinese forms only about 3% of the population if not mistaken compared to Malaysia's 25%.

Still there is a big mosque in Singkawang which means there is a significant Muslim population in and around town. For the record this is the 1,400th article in this blogspot.

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