Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Finally. Birch and minions got what they deserve

About half a kilometre or so from the mosque there lies this Christian graveyard.

It houses the graves of the first British resident to Perak, J.W.W. Birch and a few other British officers who were killed by the local Malays around 1875.

I have been here a number of times too and the last time was about 5 years ago.

I remembered the graveyard as very well-kept and that used to upset me. How can the graves of these colonialists who disturbed the peace of the locals be well kept when the tomb of a Perak Sultan nearby was in bad shape?

So imagine how I felt when finding out the condition of this graveyard in a recent visit.

Let's just say I think they got what they deserved. Put yourself in the shoes of a local populace whose land was violated by these buggers and hopefully you can understand my delight...

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