Thursday, July 23, 2015

Going around West Kalimantan – Compiled

This in turn are compilation of links related to a series called "Jejak Kalimantan Barat" of which the main storytelling is done in the blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU.

A journey covering a number of places in West Kalimantan 8-12 June 2015. This is the first time I arrived at this province which has an area bigger than Peninsular Malaysia. In 5 days me and a friend covered an area about the size of the state of Johor. We visited the old sultanates of Pontianak, Mempawah, Sambas and Landak.

1. Flight to Pontianak

2. On to Pontianak city and across...

3. Tugu Khatulistiwa (Equator monument)

8. Masjid istana Mempawah (Mosque of the palace of Mempawah)

10. Jejak Kalimantan Barat - Sejenak di Pontianak kemudian di Mempawah

11. The sea off a resort hotel in Mempawah

12. Mempawah river from Sebukit Rama

13. Makam (Tomb of) Daeng Menambon

54. Landak river from Al-Muslimun, Ngabang

55. Memorial mangsa Jepun (Memorial for Japanese victims), Mandor 

56. Makam massal (Mass tombs of) Mandor

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