Sunday, December 27, 2015

Ferry to Pangkor

After brunch its time to head to our next destination, the island of Pangkor.

To get there one has to take ferry from the Lumut jetty.

It happened that the one we took has an open deck.

Views of the wide Dinding river...

Leaving the town of Lumut behind...

The island of Pangkor could be seen bluish over the horizon.

Lumut naval base at the southern bank of Dinding river coming into view...

A look at the northern banks...

Close-up look and one could see the mouth of the Sepit river.

At this juncture we were at the Dinding river mouth.

Out into the open waters that separated Pangkor island from the mainland...

A look south shows the hills extending towards the beach of Teluk Batik.

A close up shows what should be the man-made Marina island.

On to Pangkor...

The fishing village of Sungai Pinang.

The ferry made a stop here to lower some passengers.

Our stop is the next one, the jetty of Pangkor town...

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