Thursday, February 26, 2015

Views towards Ujong Pancu

Continued from The pools of Mata Ie.

Late in the afternoon me and a friend headed towards Ujong Pancu via a place called Peukan Bada.

Ujong Pancu lies at a peninsular of sorts. Along the way you can see the sea and some nice views.

Here we have reached the end of the tarred road. There's tomb of a 16-17th century saint we want to visit. But we have to walk up a pathway into the jungle. So let's just enjoy the views around...

The pools of Mata Ie

After visiting 2 more tomb areas or complexes we went to a nearby tourist attaction.

Welcome to Mata Ie. There are frest waters pools for swimming and dipping.

The waters here originated from a nearby underground source.

Mata Ie are Aceh words for the Malay "Mata Air". Literally this can be translated as eye (mata) of water (air) referring to a source of water from the ground.

The water is said to come out from a hole somewhere up the hill behind. That is why the place is called Mata Ie...

Erecting fallen Aceh tombstones to preserve history

Peace be upon you all. On to the 3rd day of the 13-19th February Aceh trip.

Sunday 15th February 2015. It was time for the the Malaysian group I came with to return home. Me on the other hand wanted to stay till 19th. After sending them to the airport I rest an hour or two at the hotel. Then it's time to start activity. This time I was brought by an Acehnese friend to a rural area a small distance south or south-west of the city of Banda Aceh.

I was brought to a plot of land where could be found a number of Aceh tombstones somehow partly buried in the ground.

There I watched a local group of activists called MAPESA, short for Masyarakat Peduli Sejarah Aceh (something like Citizens Concerned About Aceh History) dug out some fallen tombstones to reerect it to what should be its former glory.

For the record the beautifully carved Aceh tombstones marked the graves of important people - past rulers, religious masters, generals and such. Reerecting the stones means the graves are properly marked again. This is an effort to preserve history so that it would not be forgotten by the present and later generations.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Malahayati fortress at almost sunset

Next stop is Benteng Inong Balee also known as the fortress of Malayahati.

It lies facing the major bay of Lamuri offering another picturesque view of the surroundings.

It happened that we arrived at almost sunset.

Just look at how the sun complemented the already superb view of land and sea...

Savouring a bit of the beauty of Lamuri

From the Iskandar Muda fort we headed to a place of interest about 5 km further to the east.

We have to enter a bushy area and soon our transport can't enter any further. So everyone have to walk climbing higher up a hill.

The area has been identified by local amateur as a main site for the ancient kingdom of Lamuri.

There are a number of tombs more than 600 year old around. Seen here is an old tomb at the summit.

Our guide and another Acehnese friend waiting for the rest to reach a vantage point.

From the point you can savour a bit of the beauty of Lamuri...