Thursday, January 07, 2016

Silat shooting under sunset in front of Pulau Besar

We started shooting on Monday 27th December 2015. Late in the afternoon the following day we looked for a spot besides the open waters of the Straits of Melaka.

In the background is the island known as Pulau Besar. It was almost sunset.

But the waterfront around was mostly muddy. We need to shoot on sand.

Thank God there was a small stretch of sand available, still with Pulau Besar in the background. We soon set up our equipment for the shoot.

For this scene we got a group of Silat (Malay martial arts) practioneer friends to show up.

Being locals they were the ones who recommended this spot.

The timing was coincidental. We met them after having finished some shoot at the fringe of Melaka city...

By the time we're ready to shoot with these guys it was almost sunset. The natural lighting coupled with background gave awesome results...

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