Monday, May 30, 2016

Bringing the kids to Kuala Gandah elephant sanctuary

After we're done in Bentong we went off to Lanchang to get to the elephant sanctuary at Kuala Gandah.

Me and wife have been here with our two youngest kids before. Look at the article Kuala Gandah elephant sanctuary made 4 years ago. This time we brought along our two eldest kids too...

Playing with the younger elephants. By the way my family is not in the picture.

Later in the afternoon we converged at this ampitheatre for an elephant show.

The show involves adults elephants which are kept unleashed at the nearbya jungle.

Come time for the twice a day show (the early on is in the morning) they are herded in towards the show area...

After the show the audience are invited to feed the elephants with food that have been earlier prepared.

Then its time to bath the elephants at a nearby river...

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