Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Checking the condition of Sungai Lipis at Batu Malim

Peace be upon you all. Recently I made a trip spending 3 nights at different places in Pahang. I had a number of objectives and among it was to check the flow of Sungai (river of) Pahang and its main tributaries. This is because over the last one month or so I kept coming across public reports in Facebook saying and showing the water of the river has dried up at a number of places. So let's start sharing stories.

The trip was officially started late Tuesday night 10th of May 2016 when I left Kuala Lumpur and spent the night at a surau (small praying hall) in Bentong. The following morning I continued on to Raub and the took the rural road past Cheroh and on to this part...

This is in a place called Batu Malim. There is a bridge crossing Sungai (river of) Lipis.

The Lipis river is one of the main tributaries which makes up the waters of the Pahang river.

A look towards downstream. Seems like there's plenty of water.

Still I managed to interview some locals regarding the condition here. They said it was only a day before that they could see silts and sand right in the middle of the river.

A look upstream. I did say that one of the objectives of this trip is to check out the flow of Pahang river which many have reported as being dry at a number of places right? Well, this is because it has been an extremely dry season the last 2-3 months.

But somehow it started raining heavily the day I started to head for Pahang on this trip. And the Lipis river, at least at this part has been refilled because it rained cats and dogs the previous night till early morning. For information this is the 1,515th article in this blogspot.

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