Monday, May 30, 2016

Looking for Lubuk Terua

OK. The reason I had a look at the Semantan river from Mempateh was to look for a place called Lubuk Terua. A local then told me to get there I must take a turning after...

So there we took the turning...

There is a fish rearing area inside.

I was told that I have to go in further. But my wife was worried about the condition of the road, so I decided to walk leaving her and kids in the car under a shade.

I found a forking path and decided to take the one to the left. After a number of steps I came across this area,

I noticed a path leading to the Semantan river.

Lubuk Terua should be at a part of the Semantan river. I went looking for it because it is the place where the Pahang Malays started their revolt against the British colonialists more than 100 years ago.

But I can't be sure if I've arrived at Lubuk Terua or another part of the Semantan river.

Still, let's just record this for prosperity...

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