Thursday, May 19, 2016

Resting under the Jerantut Ferry bridge

Late in the afternoon I arrived at a place called Jerantut Ferry. Here lies a long bridge crossing the Pahang river.

I've crossed this bridge a number of times but can't remember ever going down at one part where lies what seems to be a new recreational place.

Here, one could get close to the Pahang river...

History of Jerantut Ferry (or Jerantut Feri). There used to be a ferry service crossing the Pahang river before a bridge was built to replace it.

Going for a close look of the Pahang river...

See the sand and marshes? As far as I could remember these parts were underwater under normal condition.

It happened that I was very tired when I arrived here. So I took some rest before continuing to my main destination of the day...

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