Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The limestone hill of Gua Bama - A tribute to President Obama?

From Kuala Medang I retreated back some 10 km to get to Sungai Koyan where there is a junction for the road to Kuala Lipis and Gua Musang. I took that road until it arrives at the Gua Musang-Kuala Lipis trunk road. Turning right towards Lipis I then came across a rural road leading to a place called Gua Bama.

I have been pass the junction to the rural road a number of times. But this was the first time I decided to venture in and check out what's available inside...

Gua Bama means tha caves of Bama. It refers to a local limestone hill which have some caves.

Parking at what seemed to be the entry point to the limestone hill  I then took this old wooden hanging bridge.

I ignored it's somewhat dangerous condition and pressed on.

Ah,. The foot of the hill.

Already one can see some caves at its base...

Next I found a staircase leading up.

Being the curious person I am I went on till it ends...

Then I saw this steel almost upright stairs leading further up.

I climbed up till its end where there is a rope leading further up. It is at this juncture that I decided to stop. I must admit that I was not physically fit nor was I properly dressed, footwear and all, to press on.

After spending some time enjoying the scenery and air at the topmost part accessible by stairs I returned to my car and drove around the base of the hill. That's when I noticed what could be the main entry to the hill. The words Gua Bama just keeps reminding me of America's President Obama. Any relation at all? :v

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