Friday, September 30, 2016

Perak river at Temong during low water

Still on recent days' activities. Continuing from Stopping by at Tanjung Malim for a rock consert.

We arrived in Kuala Kangsar late Saturday night. After lodging at a surau (small praying hall) in Temong, the following Sunday morning we visited the tomb of a saint known as Tok Temong nearby . Besides the tomb lies this staircase. It leads to a small jetty besides the Perak river.

Now. I have been here many many times before. But I can't remember seeing the water level this low.

As I remembered it, these stones down these steps are normally submerged.

And the pebbles and small stones at the shore across... I can'r remember ever seeing in previous visits.

Compare to what's shown in the article Perak river from Temong...

Well, it's not like I've never seen the Perak river here at low level at all. It's just I haven't seen it so low such that stones which used to be submerged protruded out the way it did that day...

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