Thursday, September 22, 2016

Recent views from Kuala Terengganu's Bukit Puteri

In the afternoon we went to the famous traditional shopping or market area of Kuala Terengganu known fondly by the locals as Pasar Payang. From the old part of the market one could see some sort of shopping complex which is effectively the new part of Pasar Payang.

The shopping complex stood at the foot of a hill called Bukit Puteri.

There are escalators leading part of the way up to hill. Then you have to take a staircase all the way to the top.

The are a number historical remains on top. The hill was once the seat of  power for a governor under the Sultan of Terengganu.

Tomb of an early 18th century governor known as Sayyid Yasin al-Yahya.

The hill offers interesting views of the city of Kuala Terengganu.

For the record I have been up here many times.

Almost every time when in Kuala Terengganu I make effort to enjoy the views from up here.

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