Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Pengkalan Kubor INTO Tumpat town

Peace be upon you all. Back to the East Coast stories again. Contiuning from the article From Pengkalan Kubor towards Tumpat town.

Wednesday morning 12th October 2016. We went out to Pengkala Kubor again.

This time I managed to snap a picture of a giant Buddha statue on the way...

We went to Pengkala Kubor again to look for stuffs we weren't able to get the previous day.

Going out we also took the road towards Tumpat again.

But this time we took the junction entering to the town of Tumpat. Just before town one could see tracks which are the end of the national central railway line.

On into town...

We stopped by at the market to get stuffs which we found out were not available in Pengkalan Kubor or more expensive there...

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