Thursday, October 20, 2016

Songket sales booth at the ASEAN Songket exhibition in Muzium Negara

Peace be upon you all. Detouring for a while to a recent happening in Kuala Lumpur.

Muzium Negara (the national museum) recently started an exhibition on ASEAN songket, a type of elaborately woven cloth which can be found in South-East Asian countries.

The exhibition would last till the end of the year, Booths are opened for sales of the songket.


I was involved in the official opening ceremony of the exhubition held on Tuesday. So I spent some time looking at what's available...

It was definitely a feast for the eyes.

Too bad as it that was all I could afford to do. The songket here are exquisite works of art. It could cost quite a fortune for one to even acquire a piece...

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