Monday, January 23, 2017

Patani town from the 5th floor of a main hotel

Peace be upon you all. Refering to the article Visiting Gunung Stong waterfalls after more than 6 years made 4 days ago. In the introduction I've said this :-

As it is at this time I am approaching the end of my first travel for the year 2017. The travel has covered a number of places in southern Thailand, north of Peninsular Malaysia and parts towards the East Coast.

It was also informed that the travel was started Thursday 12th January 2017 at night. That and the following 2 articles, The colours at Tok Kenali mosque and Crossing Golok river at Rantau Panjang by foot actually talked about what has transpired during the 2nd day of travel, Friday 13th January. Today, I'm glad to inform that the travelling was completed when I returned home on Saturday 21th January, after 9 days and 9 nights being outstation. Now I want to share stories from the 3rd day of travel, Saturday 14th January. Let me open with this...

Catching up from Crossing Golok river at Rantau Panjang by foot. After entering southern Thailand we travelled some 160 km in the dark of the night to reach the town of Patani. We arrived at 9.40 pm local time which is equivalent to 10.40 pm and immediately lodged at what I've been told is the main and most prestigious hotel in the region, the CS Pattani Hotel. But let's just say it is a main hotel, not the main one.

For the record the official spelling for the name of the town and region is Pattani (double t). But for my own writing I prefer to use the original and more traditional spelling Patani (single t) The hotel is among the tallest building in the region. So when the day came Friday 13th January 2017 and it was bright enough I immediately checked the windows for views of the surroundings.

The hotel has 9 or 10 floors or so. My room was at the 5th floor.

Checking out the views from right to left. In the distance you can see parts of the town of Patani.

In the background is the South China Sea, about 2 km away.

Within this vicinity it obvious that the CS Pattani Hotel is the tallest building around...

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