Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Taking the ferry to old Singgora

My main and first target in Songkhla is to look for remains of the old forts of the kingdom of Singgora. For the record the name Songkhla is a Thai version for the Malay name Singgora. Upon mentioning this ancient Malay name to a motorbike taxi operator I was whisked some 3 km to a port and asked to take a ferry.

It seems the old Singgora I wished to see lies at the hill seen here and at its foot.

To get there one must cross these waters...

Enjoying the views around.

A zoom in view shows a small town at the foot of the hill.

The ferry ride took about 10 minutes. I was lucky that while onboard a man and his wife offered to take me around on their... hmm. I don't what is the name of this thing. A bike with a sidecar. Yes, a ride on this sidecar to shore and around...

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