Monday, February 13, 2017

Padang Panjang to Tanah Datar and Sungai Tarab

Continuing from the article From airport to Padang Panjang.

The journey was continued further eastwards towards a lower part of the highlands. Paddy or rice fields began to feature more and more as we go along.

OK. I recognise the building seen here as being in a part called Batipuh. That means we were already in the district of Tanah Datar.

At this juncture we should be around 2,200 feet above sea level.

We were going down to what I can surmise from Google Earth as a vast plateu area sitiing at 1800-2000 feet above sea level.

I understand the fact that this is relatively a plateu gave rise to the name Tanah Datar. Tanah simply means ground and Datar means flat.

Next we arrived at Batu Sangkar the main town of this district.

We continued on to the sub-distict of Sungai Tarab.

There was a stop to be made before we go on to Pagaruyung...

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