Thursday, February 23, 2017

Payakumbuh towards Muara Takus

At 4.08 I got a bus to the east leaving Payakumbuh.

If not mistaken the bus goes all the way to Medan some 700 km away.

But I don't want to go that far...

I just wanted to get to Muara Takus about 120 km from Payakumbuh.

Enjoying the views as the bus got further to the east. The road soon starts to twist and turn quite tight as we got up to higher grounds.

For the record Payakumbuh itself is situated about 1,700 feet above sea level. There were still more heights to climb...

What is interesting is a roller-coaster like structure we soon came across.

It looked like there was a festival there...

As it turned out this is where the road curves like a number 8 figure or so to make an abrupt climb from 2,300 feet above sea level to 2,550 feet.

 I've check this out with Google Map and found the exact spot. 

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