Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Reorienteering oneself on the streets of Hatyai

Continuing from From Songkhla to Hatyai.

The transport from Songkhla only took me to as far as a fringe part of the city centre of Hatyai.

While this is the 3rd time I've been to the cityI find it quite hard to recognise the surroundings, maybe because the last time I was here was around August 2010...

But being a seasoned traveller to many places around the world that shouldn't be the problem.

The problem was I was dropped quite far from what I'm used to as points of references, certain tall buildings and such.

If not because of position of the sun during that afternoon I could even have trouble recognising east and west.

I've decided, the best way for me to reorienteer myself is to find the main train station of Hatyai.

For that is where I first stepped foot in the city after first arriving by train from Malaysia some time in May 2010.

Thank God I soon find my way to the station.

From there I immediately recognised my way back around the city centre.

I have totally reorienteered myself with the train station as the main reference. With that I could practically walk anywhere inside the city centre without fear of losing directions again...

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