Monday, February 06, 2017

Walking around Songkhla city

After I'm done at the old town of Singgora I took a ferry across the waters from of town to get to the more modern part of the city of Songkhla.

When I say more modern it is in comparison by period and time. The old Singgora previous seen is an old town built on the site of the original early 17th century town. The Songkhla we know now was built at a newer site across the waters in the middle of the 19th century AD.

It was built by the Siam Thai kingdom whose official religion is Buddhist. The original Singgora was a Malay Muslim kingdom.

I walked around to digest the feelings of the surroundings.

That's when I found a part designated as Singgora old town. Wait a minute. What about the parts shown in the article Views from the mosque at old town Singgora and the article before that, Looking at the small town at old Singgora?

Well. As I've said before the old Singgora previous seen is an old town built on the site of the original early 17th century town. The Songkhla we know now (which included the Thai government designated "old Singgora") was built at a newer site across the waters in the middle of the 19th century AD.

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