Friday, March 31, 2017

Bringing the kids and friends to the tomb of Hamzah Fansuri

We left Pulau (island of) Weh by 2 pm ferry to get back to mainland Aceh. From the jetty we stopped by at a nearby mosque then headed for a place called Ujong Pancu.

It is situated at the end of a peninsular jutting out from north-wested end of Sumatera/ Then we found out part of the road leading to Ujong Pancu was broken making it inaccessible to cars.

We decided to continue by foot. It is the wish of a Malaysian friend to visit a tomb situated in the jungle there.

Me on the other hand has been to the said tomb twice. The last time was in early 2015 with some Acehnese friends.

My wife and one of our kids were with me in the first visit end of 2011.

She was then almost 7-months pregnant with our youngest boy, the one seen to the left with his 2 years 4 months older brother.

Luckily it was not too far before we reached the end of the road.

From the end of the road we have to take a jungle path.

Soon we reached the tomb of Hamzah Fansuri,..

He was a famous 17th century Aceh saint and a sage famous in the whole Malay world for his many Sufistic writings...

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