Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Masjid Baiturrahman's new look coming

After having breakfast at a riverside restaurant we walked to the main mosque of Banda Aceh about 5 minutes away.

It is called Masjid (mosque of) Baiturrahman. I have shown it a number of times in my blogspots.

This time there are additions in the form of giant canopies being built.

The canopies which could be opened and closed seem to follow that available at the Nabawi mosque in Madinah, at the Arab peninsular.

These are part of the new look of the mosque still in progress.

Work have started since 2 years ago and is expected to be finished in another 2 months or so...

Going inside...

I think it looked just about the same when I first stepped inside this mosque almost 8 years ago.

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