Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The slope and swimming pool at Gunung Tampin

OK. I got a few stories to share from a few days ago. Here's one.

Sunday 12th March 2017. I went back to my native hometown of Muar to attend to a family matter. On the way, just before entering the state of Melaka I felt like making a detour.

At a junction where the right enters Melaka I took the oppoiste one, that is to the left.

I found that it leads to an interesting place at the slopes of mountain.

Interestingly this is the southern end of the Peninsular's main mountain range. the Banjaran Titiwangsa. Here's a look toward further south from the slope.

Looking back towards the slope which is situated at a central part Gunung (mount) Tampin. The mountain is situated in the state of Negeri Sembilan.

There's this building...

And it has a large swimming pool...

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