Thursday, August 24, 2017

Putrajaya from the PICC

Continuing the storytelling from Bringing the parents for MRT ride to Kajang.

My parents along with my brother and an uncle were in the Klang valley because I had brought them from Muar to spend a few nights at my house in Rawang.  Wednesday 9th August it's time to send them back to Muar.

On the way we made a stop in Putrajaya. My brother who at 45 is two years younger than me has never seen the splendour of this city.

He said the last time he ever stepped around here was in 1997. At that time Putrajaya was still largely a palm oil plantation being turned into a new city.

So I brought him along with the parents for a good look. Oh  the uncle which I had also brought from Muar had returned a day earlier by bus.

I have been to Putrajaya many times but that was the first time I myself enjoyed the scenery from a certain vantage point.

This was from in front of the PICC, Putrajaya International Convention Centre,

A look at the PICC from the bridge down...

A view of Putrajaya  lake from the bridge.

On for further views of the city before heading back to Muar...

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